The Best Spa Pool Plants: Your Secret to Ultimate Relaxation

26 February, 2023


Hello, fellow spa enthusiasts! Today, we're venturing into an exciting and transformative topic - turning your spa pool area into a lush, serene oasis with the help of nature's finest spa pool plants. The right greenery can elevate your spa pool from a simple relaxation spot to a tranquil retreat right in your backyard. So, let's dive in and explore how you can enhance your spa experience with the perfect choice of spa pool plants.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Plants for Your Spa Pool

Having plants around your spa pool isn't just about making it look pretty (although that's a big plus!). It's about enhancing your entire spa experience. Spa pool plants can provide privacy, create a relaxing atmosphere, and even help balance the humidity around your spa. But not all plants are created equal when it comes to thriving in a spa environment.

When choosing plants for your spa pool, you need to consider a few things. First, consider your local climate and how much care you will put into maintaining your spa pool plants. Some plants require more TLC than others. Also, consider safety - you don't want plants with thorns or toxic properties near your spa.

Top Spa Pool Plants for a Relaxing Atmosphere

Let's get to the fun part - picking out your spa pool plants! Here are some of my top picks for spa pool plants that are both beautiful and easy to care for:


Bamboo is a fantastic choice for spa pool areas. It grows quickly, providing a lush, tropical feel and plenty of privacy. I remember helping a client who lived in a busy neighbourhood. She loved her spa but felt exposed whenever she used it. We planted a bamboo screen around her spa area, and voila! Instant privacy and a major boost in ambience.


Ferns are another great option for spa pool plants. They love the humidity that comes with spa pools, and their delicate fronds add a touch of elegance. I have a few ferns around my own spa pool, and I love how they sway gently when the breeze picks up - it's incredibly relaxing.


Hostas are low-maintenance spa pool plants that come in various colours and sizes. They're perfect for adding a pop of colour to your spa area. Plus, their large leaves can provide a bit of shade on sunny days.

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses are a personal favourite of mine for spa pool plants. They're easy to care for and add a lovely texture to the spa environment. They come in various sizes so that you can choose the perfect one for your space.


If you're looking for low-water spa pool plants, succulents are your best friends. They come in various shapes and colours and are super easy to care for. Just remember to keep them a bit farther from the spa to avoid too much splash.

Tips for Arranging Your Spa Pool Plants

After you've handpicked your spa pool plants, the next step is to arrange them to complement your spa pool and its surroundings. Here are a few tips to help you create a visually appealing and harmonious setup:

  1. Consider Plant Sizes and Growth Habits: Each plant has its unique growth pattern and size. Taller spa pool plants like bamboo or ferns can create a beautiful backdrop for your spa pool, while smaller ones like succulents or ground covers can add texture and colour at the front.
  2. Play with Heights: Using plant stands or hanging pots can add different levels to your spa pool garden, making it more dynamic and interesting. For instance, trailing plants like ivy or creeping jenny can be placed in hanging pots to create a cascading effect.
  3. Think About Colors and Textures: Mix and match spa pool plants with different leaf shapes, colours, and textures. This can add depth and visual interest to your spa pool area. For example, the glossy leaves of a rubber plant can contrast beautifully with the feathery fronds of a fern.
  4. Group Similar Plants Together: Planting in clusters or groups can create a more impactful visual statement than scattering individual spa pool plants around. Group plants with similar light and water need together for a cohesive look and easier maintenance.
  5. Leave Some Breathing Room: While filling every inch with greenery is tempting, remember to leave some space for the spa pool plants to grow and for you to move around. Overcrowding can lead to competition for resources among plants and make maintenance more challenging.

Remember, creating your spa pool garden should be a fun and relaxing process. There's no such thing as "perfect" in nature, so don't stress too much about getting everything just right. Most importantly, your spa pool garden brings you joy and enhances your relaxation experience. After all, your spa pool is your personal sanctuary, and the best garden for it is one that reflects your taste and makes you feel at peace.

How to Care for Your Spa Pool Plants

Taking care of your spa pool plants can be a rewarding part of your relaxation routine. Most of the plants suitable for a spa pool environment are relatively low-maintenance, but they do appreciate a bit of attention. Here are some tips to keep your spa pool garden thriving:

  1. Watering: Regular watering is essential, especially during dry periods. However, the amount of water each plant needs can vary. Some spa pool plants, like succulents, prefer their soil to dry out completely between waterings, while others, like ferns, prefer consistently moist soil. It's important to understand the watering needs of each plant in your spa pool garden to keep them healthy.
  2. Fertilizing: Occasional fertilizing can help your spa pool plants grow strong and lush. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer that provides a steady supply of nutrients over time. Always follow the package instructions to avoid over-fertilizing, which can harm your plants.
  3. Pruning: Pruning helps control the size of your spa pool plants, encourages bushier growth, and can keep them looking neat and tidy. Regularly remove dead or yellowing leaves to keep your plants healthy and to maintain the aesthetic of your spa pool area.
  4. Checking for Pests: Check for common pests like aphids, mealybugs, or spider mites. Treat your spa pool plants with an appropriate organic pesticide or insecticidal soap if you spot any.
  5. Protecting from Spa Chemicals: Spa chemicals, while essential for maintaining your spa pool's cleanliness and safety, can harm plants. To protect your spa pool plants, avoid splashing spa water on them. Using a spa cover when your spa pool is not in use can also help reduce chemical evaporation and potential exposure to your plants.

Remember, the key to a thriving spa pool garden is understanding the needs of your plants and providing consistent care. With regular attention, your spa pool garden can become a lush, relaxing oasis that enhances your spa pool experience.


There you have it, my guide to the best spa pool plants. Remember, the goal is to create a space that enhances your relaxation and brings you joy. So, experiment with different spa pool plants and see what works best for your personal spa oasis. Happy soaking!
